The Yuen Method is an energetic technique that has taken 5,000 years of ancient Chinese Shaolin temple healing and combines it with western knowledge as well as blending anatomy, physiology, structural analysis, energetic technique, quantum physics and Qi and Shen Gong training.

The premise is that your body functions like a computer – you are either on or off, strong or weak to any given issue. Pain is a sign that something is wrong with the flow of energy in the body. Humans are multi-faceted beings with multiple levels of consciousness. The Yuen Method works to make sure that all levels of consciousness are congruent so that pain may be eliminated immediately and goals attained.

In the western world, pain is usually treated with medication, gadgets, or devices. Individuals that are in chronic pain have a hard time. More often than not they are told to manage and live with it. Who wants to manage their pain? In the east, pain is seen as a symptom of a deeper issue. Something is wrong with the flow of energy in the body causing the manifestation of a physical condition. The Yuen Method shows you how to identify the deeper core issues. Finding the root of the problem and eliminating it makes it possible to release the physical symptom as well as emotional issues, fears, phobias, and limitations.

Healing is one of the most important responsibilities we have today. We cannot hope for a better world when we walk around from day to day with physical and emotional wounds left untreated.

Joseph Cobbs' Training and Background:

1973 through 1977 Granite Hills High School
1977 through 1979 Grossmont College Associate of Science Degree
1977 through 1882 National College of Chiropractic, Los Angeles College
of Chiropractic Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Chiropractic.

1984 California Licensed doctor of Chiropractic, 1992 Diplomat of the Board of Chiropractic Orthopedists. Industrial Medical Cancel, Qualified Medical Examiner State of California 1996

Other Techniques and Studies: Sacral Occipital Technique, Activator Technique, Impuse technique, Gonstead, Grosston Technique, Diversified technique, Applied Kinesiology, Clinical Kinesiology, Vector point Crainiopathy, Crainial Sacral Therapy,Yuen and Matrix energitics. 

With inner wisdom healing, your body directs all treatment.

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One Hour $90

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