Hello Dr. Cobbs.

This is Mercy Baron. You worked on me earlier this week. I have to tell you that I am amazed. I have had minimal to almost no pain in my arthritic right hip and the pins and needles are 90% gone in my right arm. I have had pain in that hip for so many years now. And even though I'm on prescription anti inflammatories twice a day for it, I have decided to stop taking them for a week and see how I feel. I've been on them for years and really don't like doing that. I have even spent a fortune on 10 rolfing sessions a couple of years ago and it didn't help at all. Maybe I will be ready for a traditional adjustment someday after working on unlocking the energy in my body. I still would love to get my neck adjusted! I have already started spreading the word to people I know about you. Thank you SO much!

Kind Regards,
Mercy Baron

I have tried other chiropractors in the past, with minimal improvement, but once I tried "inner wisdom healing" with Joseph Cobbs, I was amazed by the difference! He is caring, has a wonderful gentle approach, uses the techniques my body asks for and spends the time and energy to get to the source of my issues, rather than just treat the symtoms. I highly recommend him.- JJ